Thee most valuable home inspection in Orlando-Central Florida.

All full home inspections include an interior and electrical panel infrared scan by a Certified Thermographer, a free mold assessment, a free safety recall check and a free Threshold Inspection for Chinese drywall.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cheap home inspections.

Ya Dan Kennedy says, (paraphrased)...Being the cheapest is a bad business model. Why is it that even after viewing our web site, people still say that so and so will do it cheaper so I should too. Hmmm. There is always someone willing to do it (anything) cheaper. So if we offered a service for $99, someone would do it for $89. It's the way it goes and competition is good...however that person who does this repeatedly no longer has the funds to buy new equipment or to get more education or earn more credentials which serve his clients better. Now, do YOU want to hire that consultant, that contractor, that doctor or that inspector? I could go on but what's the point. The less experience and education you have, the less your advice is worth. In my mind anyway.